Pikachu (Santa hat), Stantler (Holiday), or Cubchoo (Holiday) encounter Take 2 snapshots of wild ice-type Pokémonģ Pinap Berries, 3 Poké Balls, or 3 Razz Berries

Pokémon Go Holiday 2021 Part 1 Field Research and rewards Task Part 1 of the 2021 Holiday event ended, but you can still see the details below. Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Image sources: Niantic/The Pokémon Company Raid Targets for Holiday Part 2 2021 The Zen form of Darmanitan (on the right) is not available in game yet, but we’ve included it so you can plan accordingly. Galarian Darumaka is also available Shiny for the first time. Mime encounter Increased Pokémon spawns for Holiday Part 2 2021 Catch 9 different species of ice-type Pokémon (25 Ultra Balls).Catch 40 ice-type Pokémon (25 Great Balls).Catch 10 ice-type Pokémon (10 Great Balls).

Mime encounter Pokémon Go Holidays: Catch Challenge Timed Research Make a new friend (3 Silver Pinap Berries).Send gifts 3 days in a row (unknown reward).Send 25 gifts to friends (Delibird encounter).Trade 3 Pokémon with friends (Vanillite encounter).Send 5 gifts to friends (Pikachu encounter).Holiday Pevent Timed Research Pokémon Go Holidays: Friendship Challenge Timed Research Take 3 snapshots of wild ice-type Pokémon Pikachu (Holiday), Stantler (Holiday), or Cubchoo (Holiday) encounterģ Pinap Berries, 3 Poké Ball, or 3 Razz Berries Pokémon Go Holiday 2021 event Part 2 Field Research and rewards Task